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Isaiah 7:10-14
Psalm 24:1-2, 3-4AB, 5-6
Luke 1:26-38
The angel Gabriel sent from God goes to Mary, a virgin.
He tells her she will bear a son and that he will be great and will be called the Son
of the Most High.
A Lesson in Discipleship
As I reflect on this gospel, I try to imagine what feelings and thoughts Mary must
have been experiencing throughout this dialogue. When the angel first appeared I
suspect surprise, fear, and confusion. “Could this really be happening to me?”
But while Mary was indeed full of grace, she was nonetheless a young woman, a
human being who reasons and searches for explanations for what she does not
understand, “How shall this be since I have no husband?” In the end, despite any
questions she might have had and knowing that nothing is impossible with God
she was an obedient disciple and responded, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the
Lord. May it be done unto me according to your word.”
Mother Mary willingly accepted God’s promise and plan for her life, including all
the inconveniences and risks attached to it. She gave her consent for the un-
known, completely trusting God. She was asked and responded, “Yes”.
I then consider the times in my life when I have been offered the opportunity to
say yes. Did I accept the invitation to serve? Was it an inconvenience? The tim-
ing, could I squeeze another activity into my already very busy calendar? Did I say
yes? Not always. But the times I have responded have been such wonderful gifts
to me, bringing such amazing blessings.
I think we could all learn a very valuable lesson
from Mary. Here at Holy Family, in the year of
the beloved disciple, we are so blessed with
many opportunities to say yes. I think of Mary as
perhaps the first Beloved Disciple.