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1 John 1:5-22
Psalm 124:2-3, 4-5, 7CD-8
Matthew 2:13-18
Herod orders the massacre of all boys in Bethlehem who were two
years old or younger. God intervenes and Joseph flees to Egypt with
Mary and the baby Jesus. How do we trust God amidst the suffering
of innocent lives that are lost?
Earlier this week, some of us took out our smartphones ready to text
or call Christmas wishes to our family and friends only to scroll
through our contact list and come across the name of a loved one
who is no longer with us. It could have been that elderly neighbor,
the favorite cousin, the college friend, or someone closer - a sibling,
a parent or a child. There is a part of us that believes if we delete
their names from our contact list we may delete their memory from
our lives.
Their death brings a sense of sadness to what is supposed to be the
most wonderful time of the year. What about the rest of the world af-
fected by tragic circumstances? Lives lost to natural disasters like
earthquakes, flooding; lives lost to car acci-
dents, crime, terrorism and other injustices. All
flames extinguished too soon.
Those of us who are grieving may find it difficult
to celebrate Christmas. Yet it is in the birth of
our Lord that we are reminded that He is with us
in our sorrow. We have to hold on to the hope