Page 21 - advent2011new3

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Midwest, my classmates and I were eager for the Christmas holidays –eager for
our return home, a couple of weeks away, and a bit grumpy and worried over pa-
pers due and exams yet to be taken. Many of the sisters were of German de-
scent, and they spread the word in the dorm that each of us should leave a shoe
outside of our doors. I was unfamiliar with this old custom, but in the morning of
December 6, we were like children in our delight at finding candy in our shoes –
and we were touched by the sisters’ expression of love and care. Yes, these
were women with advanced degrees, some recognized scholars in their areas of
study – but this simple gesture reminded us that we were special – in their eyes
and in God’s eyes. Despite anxieties about term’s end and our longing to be
home with our families, we were joyful and filled with a bit of wonder because
these shepherdesses had lifted us up and reminded us “to sing to the Lord a new
Creator God, with grateful hearts, we
look forward to the celebration of the
birth of your Son, Jesus. May we re-
member to pause during these hectic
and busy days to recall your Gift, the
greatest of all gifts. May our care and
concern bring joy and comfort – and
perhaps a bit of surprise – to those
who cross our paths.
Jane Argento