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be, or other reminders of injustice in our world. Many of these who came to re-
mind us of Jesus told us over two thousand years ago that there were those who
were not treated well, some were imprisoned, most were killed. Few have had
their message welcomed, even though it was God’s message of compassion,
love and understanding.
Then there are those individuals who are sent just to us specifically. They may be
the ones who remind us to give up our seat for someone who is elderly or dis-
abled. There are those who are hungry and homeless ,who need our help with a
jar of peanut butter, a can of food or diapers for the giving bank. That they need
someone to talk to and your ear is available. To willing offer help and support,
with no need of recognition, the true gift of the Holy Spirit.
We all need our prophets. We need to recognize and welcome them and listen to
what they have to say. We all need to be reminded of what it means to be a
Lord, help to recognize and listen to the prophets that you send to us. Help us to
grow in spirit. Help us to, as Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the
world”. We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Prophet, our guiding light. Amen
Candy and Jay Krueger
In Remembrance of … Facilitators