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weh. Boaz marries Ruth and she be-
comes the great grandmother of King
David. Once again, Jesus’ past is pep-
pered with non-Jewish ancestors.
The wife of Uriah, better known as
Bathsheba, is the woman David
chooses to be one of his wives. So
taken with her beauty, David sins by
having her husband put in the front lines
of battle and therefore Uriah perishes in
battle. Bathsheba became David’s fa-
vorite wife. Together they had their
wise son, Solomon, who continued his
father’s work of making the nation of
Israel very strong.
The last and most notable woman in the
genealogy is Mary, the mother of God. Luke tells us the most about this woman
who, at a very young age, trusting completely in God, choose to say yes to God.
Each of these women held a unique place in the history of God’s people, well
apart from ordinary human expectations. It is in this tradition that Christ enters
the human story.
God, Yahweh, Elohim, you have been known by many names,
You have worked through your faithful people
coming to them, working with them and through them.
Please continue work through us.
Help us to hear your voice, follow your direction and love as you have loved. We
ask this in your holy name