Page 49 - advent2011new3

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One of the greatest messages of the advent season, and perhaps our greatest
gift, is our own annunciation. When we decide to say, “Yes, Let it be”
There is something greater that calls us out of ourselves allowing us the opportu-
nity to go beyond our own concerns. Through Annunciation –call and vocation-
God changes the world. He takes ordinary people like Mary, you, and me - peo-
ple who say “Yes!” - and changes the course of history.
Let us try to answer him without hesitation: “Let it be done unto me according to
your word.”
Dear Lord, Thy will be
done. Please use me to
serve you and others in a
manner that is most pleas-
ing to you. Give me the
courage and confidence to
say yes when I am weak or
unsure. Guide me in your
ways, so that I may be
closer to you. I ask this
through Jesus Christ our
Lord. ~Amen
Marlene Moore
Giving Bank, Community Services
Holy Family Church