Page 53 - advent2011new3

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each member of the family a practical gift and a special fun gift. I purchased all
the goodies to make a Christmas meal. Upon entering their home I was shocked
to see so many people living in such a small space. Even more surprising is that
all they owned could fit into such a tiny space. Years have passed but I still re-
member trying to fill an emptiness for another family. Little did I know then, it was
that family that filled emptiness in me. Although I have never faced poverty of
material things, we each have our own poverties. I choose to be like Hannah and
Mary -- grateful for the gifts God has given to me and serve the poor and hungry
as I can. When sharing what I have with others, I am filled more than any Christ-
mas gift can give.
Oh God of every human heart,
You are the cornerstone binding the poor and rich
The intelligent and the wonton
The healthy and the sick,
Heaven and earth.
Holy Father, make us one
So that we may serve and be served.