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forgiveness of their sins”.
Our reaction and reply to these promises and their fulfillment can be perfectly summed
up in today’s Responsorial Psalm, “Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord!”. How
truly wondrous it is for all of us in 2011, as we prepare today to celebrate the birth of our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that we can reflect upon these covenants and mysteries,
and rejoice in the fact that they have brought such hope, love and promise to each of us!
Christmas Eve has always been such a special day in my own heart. In a very child-like
way, the anticipation, excitement and joy of the birth of Christ resonates throughout me.
Although the adult in me knows that Christ’s birth, death and resurrection have all been
fulfilled, my inner child somehow behaves as if He will be born for the first time tonight,
in a cold, dark stable with just his parents and a few animals present. The thought, im-
age and feeling of this scene plays out more fully as I read the Nativity passages from
the Bible, and wish to reach out and hold the precious little newborn. Instead, it is He
who reaches out to hold me, and to guide me as I navigate the busy streets, crowded
stores and frenetic pace of the day. I always believe that others feel the same way, as
there is truly a magic quality about Christmas Eve. People ARE friendlier, the smiles are
bigger and brighter and the good wishes are more sincere. Wherever I am, I always go
outside around midnight, and look to the skies and the stars, just as the shepherds and
Wise Men did so very long ago. I drink in the peace and beauty of the “Holiest Night of
the Year”. And of course, embracing the child within, I do also listen for the sound of
Santa’s sleigh bells.
Heavenly Father, we rejoice today at the wonderful promises you have made to us, and
the amazing gifts we have received through your infinite love for us. Help us all to be
more like your Son as we celebrate his birth. Guide us to treat others as Jesus would:
accepting, loving and caring for each other without prejudice, judgment or malice. Fill us
with your Holy Spirit to guide us through our days, and to keep us faithful to our calling
as true followers and believers of Christ. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bill Chapman
Evangelization Team, Gay and Lesbian Ministry