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When I am at Mass and receive the Eucharist, I hear the words, “The Body of
Christ” and I say “Amen” (I do believe), not just to the Host that I will humbly re-
ceive, but to the Eucharistic Minister who stands in front of me as the body of
Christ, to those of you who I celebrate with, and to the “temple of God" that is
me. Our Church is more than a building. It is Jesus. It is you. It is them. It is
Daily, I am able to behold the piece of rubble that I picked up in Haiti… it is the
reminder to me that our Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. It is the re-
minder that we are built on a Rock that is beyond anything we can imagine. It is
the reminder that it is not about me, it is about His Love for me…for us.
Dear Lord, You are be-
yond amazing! You are
truly a Master builder and
I thank you for the foun-
dation that you have set.
I thank you for the Rock
that is beneath my feet
and allows me to stand
firm in Faith, Hope, and
Love. I thank you for the
Church that surrounds
me and the Spirit that is within me. I thank you for your unwavering, unshakeable
love, even when I am weak and trembling. You are so good! You are so wise!
You are strong! Thank you for building Your Church
on the Rock! I love you!
Marlene Pinel
Director of Youth Ministry and Confirmation