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Week Day Ordinary Time
Romans 8:18--25
Psalm 126:1B-2AB, 2CD-3, 4-5, 6
Luke 13:18-21
Today’s readings are about the Kingdom of God. Paul describes
our yearning for the Kingdom, and how the Kingdom has begun to
break into the world. Jesus attempts to express in words what is
beyond words. He tells us the Kingdom of God is like a living
thing: it starts off small, seemingly insignificant, but it will grow
large and produce great benefits.
Our desire for the Kingdom of God is not merely in our hearts. The psalm
describes many good things that our flesh longs for, but these desires are
merely shadows of what we truly yearn for. Paul tells us that even the
Creation itself is waiting expectantly for the Kingdom. With the coming of
God’s Son into the world, the Kingdom of God has begun breaking into our
world, and we are beginning to taste the “firstfruits” of the Kingdom in our
lives. Among these “firstfruits” is the gift of hope, hope in a Kingdom that
we cannot yet see or touch, for which we do not have tangible evidence.
It is hard for humans to comprehend what the Kingdom of God is like, will
be like. Our experiences and words fail us. As Paul says elsewhere in
scripture, “For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face.
At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.” (1
Corinthians, 13:12) Today only the gifts of the Spirit and the words of
scripture can give a glimpse of what the Kingdom will be like. Jesus tells
us that the Kingdom is like a tiny seed that will grow large and strong and
provide shelter. Jesus tells us that that the Kingdom is like a tiny bit of
yeast which makes dough grow larger and larger, until it is many times