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fortable with to bless them, or in other words, grant them their wishes. I regard
this as superstitious, but they would beg to differ.
As Christians, we know better. Even though life can be like a roller coaster, we
still maintain an inner calm and peace. We know that God is with us in good
times and bad; that life is better and more beyond this world. There is no fear
but the fear of God. We are never alone! Life is a happy journey because God is
behind us. All we need to do is to enjoy the joy-ride. I look at my non-Christian
friends having sleepless nights worrying about the big and small things in life. I
feel their stress when they use every ounce of their being to keep everything
“under control”. I keep telling my friends that I have been on both sides. Why
live such a difficult life when you can have it much easier? Seek, and you will
find. Ask, and you will receive!
I can’t hold back in sharing the good news, but that can be when I encounter the
most resistance. I feel discouraged and sometimes offended by the returned ar-
guments. However, I have to recognize that it is God who chooses His people,
and everyone has his/her own time. I shouldn’t push, but rather provide guid-
ance whenever the person is ready to listen. Meanwhile, I will continue to live a
care free life with God behind me, and pray that one day, my non-Christian
friends can live a happier life like I do.
Dear God, may you choose the people we love as your children. May you open
their eyes, ears and hearts so that they can answer your calling. Please guide me
to follow you diligently so that you can use me to lead them when the time is
right. May we and our loved ones be able to share our eternal life with you in
your Kingdom.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Amy Yeung, Parishioner
Baptized 2010