Page 57 - October

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his actions and words.
The other aspect of this reading which I reflect on is that, when you have been entrusted
to lead others, there is also opportunity; the opportunity to be a difference maker. When
I often get asked, particularly by younger professionals and students, as to what is my
favorite part of my job, I tell them it is the opportunity to make a difference in somebody’
s life. I can’t express how fulfilling it is to hear from people I have worked with in com-
munities, or agencies, who have told me that their commute is much better and safer
because of work that my organization has done. And in much the same way, we as
leaders in any aspect of life, have the opportunity to influence others in the ways of
Christian life and the values that Jesus espoused and demonstrated for his disciples.
That can be as simple as being compassionate with those you deal with at work.
Compassion is my favorite attribute of being a Catholic. And it may sound easy to be
compassionate at work but I know that a lot of business environments don’t encourage
this attribute, particularly at management level because it gets portrayed as being weak
and ineffective. But I would argue that compassion is the key in gaining trust because it
is the one characteristic that shows people that you care. And when you care, and are
true to yourself and your words, then that foundation, like Jesus with his Apostles, will be
And finally, as Jesus prayed through night before he entrusted the disciples to be his
foundation, so we must be aware and embrace the power of prayer. This is especially
important because like Jesus, I will be relying on the best human resources consultant
Lord give me the strength, the courage, and the wisdom to reach out to my brothers and
sisters. Help me to remember that we are all members of the household of God, and
that I am but one brick of the foundation. Help me to live my life so that others around
me can see that spirit of God dwells in me. Help us all, as leaders and as followers, to
trust each other as we work to build this sacred temple of the Lord.
Marco Ruano